An Important Message Regarding COVID-19
Hello friends!
The Verne Hart Insurance Team hopes you are safe and well and working to keep others safe and well.
There is an old saying that is appropriate for our current circumstances and that is: "If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem".
At Verne Hart Insurance, we have taken measures to be part of the solution, preventing the spread of the Coronavirus, while still dedicating our energy and attention to being a solution for your insurance needs.
We have taken extra precautions in our offices in both Marion and Upper Sandusky. Any face to face interaction will be distanced and with masks worn. We have very limited staff working in the offices and everyone is taking their temperature before coming to work.
With exception of taking insurance payments in our office, little has changed, and our service levels and response times have not changed at all. Those who routinely pay their bill in our office can call us and we can offer several alternatives in getting their payment to the insurance company.
For ANY service needs, including claims, call us at 740-387-0643, 419-835-1181 or after hours at 740-387-7797. These numbers will connect you directly with one of the Verne Hart associates right here in Marion and Wyandot Counties.
We are also very active on social media with updated information and contact information. Visit us on Facebook and visit our website, for more direct contact information for our associates and our partner insurance companies.
Again, on behalf of our whole team, thank you for your business. We want to provide solutions, so if there is anything we can do to assist, please feel free to give us a call.
Be Safe and Well!
The Verne Hart Insurance Team